Texas artist to show at Wigwam Gallery in Altus through Nov. 17, 2017
Check out Rikk Traweek's "Stolen Art Exhibit: A Retrospective" at Wigwam Gallery.
The art was "stolen" by the artist's wife so he wouldn't sell it and so she could keep it.
Check out Rikk Traweek's "Stolen Art Exhibit: A Retrospective" at Wigwam Art Gallery through Nov. 17, 2017. The art was "stolen" by the artist's wife so he wouldn't sell it and so she could keep it.
ALTUS – Between now and Nov. 17, 2017, don’t miss the exhibit (viewed by appointment) at NBC Oklahoma’s Wigwam Gallery in downtown Altus – Rikk Traweek’s Stolen Art Exhibition: A Retrospective.
The art features the art by Texas artist Rikk Traweek, a studio painter and printmaker who has displayed his work in regional and national shows and galleries over his 25-year art career. His work is known for its vibrant colors, direct narratives and witty humor.
Traweek refers to the art in this collection on display for the Wigwam Gallery as “stolen art” because he sells almost all the art he produces. His wife has hidden pieces from him to keep for their collection.
“The purpose behind this exhibition is to expose an art thief. One who made it possible for me to own enough work to have a show with a range of images,” Traweek wrote in a description for the exhibit. “My wife, Dianne, is that thief. I’m the guy who sells everything.”
Hanging by another painting, the colorful “Dianne & Gladiolas,” Traweek’s reflection about it illustrates that point: “We always tried to keep fresh gladiolas in the studio. I told Dianne I was working on a series of gladiola canvases and, that when she chose one, it would be her acceptance of my marriage proposal. I sold the first four before completion. She said yes anyway, and I did this piece for her.”
Traweek earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Texas Tech University and graduate degrees from East Texas State and Florida State. His career also includes significant time in his Tampa, Florida, studio, although now he and his wife Dianne live in Foard County, Texas, at Traweek Place Ranch.
To see "Stolen Art Exhibition - A Retrospective" in Altus through Nov. 17, 2017, call 580-481-3136 for an appointment and tour, or stop by the bank at 123 W Commerce in downtown Altus and ask for a tour. The gallery is next door.
Read more: nbcwigwam.art/exhibitions/traweek
About Wigwam Art Gallery
About five years ago, NBC Oklahoma built the Wigwam Art Gallery to resemble the 1920s-era Wigwam Movie Theater that was once located there. A vision of NBC Chairman Ken Fergeson, the art gallery is used to promote artists and art, many from Oklahoma, and to host events for some nonprofit institutions. The Wigwam Gallery is located next to NBC Oklahoma downtown on the corner of Commerce and Hudson. For information about the gallery, current exhibits or NBC Oklahoma’s art, contact Elizabeth Marcha at (580) 481-3136 or emarcha@nbcok.com.